

Date: April 14, 2023
Category: Chapter News, Events, NASF Chapters, Regulation

Spring Seminar

Wednesday May 10th, 2023

Annual Training Seminar


Hazardous Waste Training

Continuing Education Opportunity

WWT Contact Hours

Presentation Topics:



(Click here for Bio Information)


David Webster will present a comprehensive mandatory DOT Hazmat and RCRA seminar designed to provide both entry-level and experienced environmental managers with a thorough review of state and federal hazardous materials and hazardous waste regulations. The four-hour seminar is designed to assist industry in meeting their triennial Dot and annual RCRA training requirements. Regulatory examples and case histories will be used during this seminar to emphasize and reinforce aspects of the hazardous waste regulations. As required by statute, a written exam will be given at the conclusion of the DOT Hazmat presentation to ascertain the attendees complete understanding of the course materials and requirements.

LUNCH / REGISTRATION FROM 12:00pm to 1:00pm

SEMINAR FROM 1:00pm to 5:00pm



75 Felton Street

Marlborough, MA. 01752


Members: $100 per person

Non-Member: $200 per person

We have applied for


4 Wastewater Treatment Contact Hours (TCHs)

for this Seminar




Date: March 27, 2023
Category: Chapter News, Events, NASF Chapters


The New England Chapter of NASF hosted a virtual seminar for the benefit of their membership as well as the entire non-NENASF metal finishing community. The event was held on Wednesday March 8, 2023.  The Executive Board opted to offer this event free of charge to all NENASF members, and at a modest fee to the rest of the metal finishing community, in hopes that it would not only educate but to  bond together those associated with the metal finishing community.


In addition to offering vital technical information to the metal finishing community the event also made available two-hour Continuing Education Wastewater Treatment Contact Hours to be used towards Wastewater license renewal. It was conducted by means of Zoom format and attracted about thirty attendees. It consisted of three segments featuring five presenters over the two-hour duration from 10:00am to 12:00 pm offering a user-friendly format for all attendees.


Connor McAnespie of Hanna Instruments opened the Webinar with a presentation on the various devices available to the metal finishing/ wastewater treatment professionals to help achieve accurate results and strict compliance standards. He focused a good amount of his presentation on Automatic Titration equipment as a means for accurate reproducible results. This was followed by a presentation by Ryan Scheck of  Bowman Analytical on the variety of XRF options available to the metal finishing community, and how the correct choice can not only lessen rejects but also how this equipment can be used to optimize solution maintenance and measure impurities in wastewater discharge.

The webinar was concluded with presentations by a trio from MCTA (Mass Chemistry and Technology Alliance) and OTA (Office of Technical Assistance),

an assistance branch of the Mass DEP. Katherine Robertson of MCTA opened this segment with an overview of the current regulatory status of PFAS chemicals both locally and nationally. This was followed by a presentation by Keri Sasportas from OTA explaining the emerging Environmental Justice Regulation and how it will impact the metal finishing community. The session was concluded with a presentation by John Raschko of OTA who explained the options for assistance available through that agency for the metal finishing community.


Special thanks to Chris Capalbo for moderating, and to Dev Massimi and Ralph Capalbo as Program Speaker Facilitators for their contributions, and to the combined efforts of NASF Board Members, Committee Members, Chapter Membership and dedicated and talented members of the Metal Finishing Community as a whole for making events such as this available for the benefit of our membership.

NASF Public Policy Update – February 2023

Date: February 28, 2023
Category: NASF Chapters, NASF National, Regulation


This month, NASF has been closely engaged with federal regulators on a full slate of policy challenges emerging in 2023. Among the immediate advocacy priorities for the industry are the US Environmental Protection Agency’s first-of-its kind PFAS rule for the finishing industry, the agency’s soon-to-be-released nationwide mandatory survey for finishers on PFAS in facilities’ wastewater, new Superfund liability-forcing federal chemicals regulations and California’s proposed hexavalent chromium ban for both decorative and functional applications.


In the divided Congress, lawmakers are challenged to find common ground on enacting even “must pass” legislation this year. However, key congressional committees are now organized and are exercising a wide-ranging set of oversight hearings on the difficulties faced by manufacturers as the Congress and the White House press to re-shore US industry and implement ambitious “Buy American” initiatives. In the meantime, the Biden Administration is accelerating its ambitious regulatory agenda through new rules and other executive actions.


A summary of pertinent current topics for the industry is below:


Federal Issues:

·     EPA Pushes Back Timeline for Proposing Metal Finishing PFAS Effluent Limits – The proposed new metal finishing standards to address PFAS is now being pushed back from August 2024 to December 2024. NASF is discussing with EPA staff the agency’s pending survey of the industry, which will likely be sent to finishing companies by April 2023.

·     OSHA, DOT and EPA Civil Penalties are Increasing in 2023 – The Department of Labor recently revised civil penalty amounts for OSHA violations by employers, per an earlier authorization by Congress. The Department of Transportation has also increased civil penalties for all modes of transportation, including highway, by 7.745 percent. EPA’s new maximum penalties are now highest for Clean Air Act violations at $117,468 per day

·     EPA Releases Draft IRIS Assessment for Cobalt – EPA recently released its draft plan to assess the cancer potential from inhalation of cobalt that takes a “no safe-level” approach inconsistent with other available science.


State Issues:

·     NASF Highlights Finishing Industry’s Accomplishments in Response to California Air Board’s Proposed Ban on Hexavalent Chromium – Industry leaders in a recent hearing in California highlighted key reasons for state air authorities to chart a different path than phasing out all hexavalent chromium electroplating and anodizing.

·     New York State Enacts Law that Requires Environmental Justice Cumulative Impact Analysis – A new law will require a thorough review of the cumulative impacts of pollution on certain disadvantaged communities before an environmental permit is issued or renewed.


For more details on each of these topics, see the expanded discussion below.


EPA Pushes Back Timeline for Developing PFAS Effluent Limits


EPA’s Office of Water has just announced it will delay its proposed PFAS discharge rule for the finishing industry by several months, from its initial August 2024 target to December 2024.


As NASF has continued to discuss key aspects of the rule with EPA, a coalition of 17 environmental groups that includes Environmental Working Group (EWG), Sierra Club and Natural Resources Defense Council had earlier urged EPA to quickly promulgate new controls for the entire metal finishing industry, not only chrome plating operations.


NASF most recently provided input to EPA officials on pending industry data collection efforts. The agency’s mandatory survey associated the rule is still expected to be sent out the chromium plating facilities shortly, likely by April 2023. If you have any questions or would like additional information regarding this issue, please contact Christian Richter or Jeff Hannapel with NASF at or


Reminder: OSHA, DOT and EPA Penalties Recently Increased Penalties


As a reminder, the Department of Labor has revised civil penalty amounts for OSHA violations by employers, per an earlier authorization by Congress to keep up with inflation. Maximum penalties for serious and other-than-serious violations have increased from $14,502 to $15, 625 per violation. For willful or repeated violations, maximum penalties have increased from $145,027 to $156,259.

The Department of Transportation has also increased civil penalties for all modes of transportation, including highway, by 7.745 percent. The increases apply to dozens of Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and Hazardous Materials Regulations violations, including violations related to:

·      Out-of-service orders

·      Recordkeeping

·      Non-recordkeeping

·      Hazardous materials regulations

·      Commercial regulations

·      Operating authority requirement

·      Tariffs

·      Loading and unloading

·      Evasion of U. S. Codes

·      Reporting and recordkeeping


Finally, the EPA has increased maximum civil penalties for environmental violations as follows:


2022 2023
Clean Air Act (CAA) ‎$109,024‎ $117,468
Clean Water Act (CWA) ‎$59,973‎ $64,618
Superfund and Right-to-Know (CERCLA/EPCRA) ‎$62,689‎ $67,544
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) ‎$62,689‎ $67,544
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) ‎$43,611‎ $46,989
Insecticides, Fungicides, and Rodenticides (FIFRA) ‎$21,805‎ $23,494


EPA Releases Plan for New Health Risk Assessment for Cobalt


The agency recently released its draft plan for an extensive new health evaluation for cobalt inhalation and will focus its assessment on water-soluble and water-insoluble cobalt compounds.

EPA officials indicated that it plans to carry out a cancer assessment that will likely be more stringent and generate new risk values that could drive additional future restrictions on cobalt use, much like the current hexavalent chromium evaluation under review by the agency.

The agency also recently announced a public meeting in January to discuss several matters related to its approach on inhalation risks from cobalt, including scientific complexities associated with the effort.

If you have any questions or would like additional information regarding this issue, please contact Christian Richter or Jeff Hannapel with NASF at or


NASF Highlights Finishing Industry’s Accomplishments in Response to California Air Board’s Proposed Ban on Hexavalent Chromium


On January 27, 2023 the California Air Resources Board (CARB) held a public meeting in Riverside, California on its rule to phase out hexavalent chromium plating.

The industry noted the rule is unnecessary based on:

·     the industry’s exemplary achievement in reducing air emissions by 99.7 percent since 1995 and its commitment to continued stewardship and environmental excellence;

·     the miniscule contribution of the industry to Cr6 emissions vs the total of all other industry-based sources;

·     the already strict state air emission requirements in place for the industry and new controls contemplated by the rule;

·     the continued industrial customer demand and specifications for Cr6 applications into the future;

·     the industry’s interest in pursuing a less onerous path to transition away from Cr6.

The new rule would impose the following new requirements.

·     January 1, 2024 — The new rule would prohibit any new permits for chromic acid anodizing and hard or decorative chromium electroplating facilities.

·     January 1, 2026 — Hard chromium and chromic acid anodizing facilities would have to implement control requirements to meet stringent air emissions limits.

·     January 1, 2027 – All existing decorative hexavalent chromium would be prohibited.

·     January 1, 2039 – All existing hexavalent chromium functional plating and chromic acid anodizing would be prohibited.


Industry Testimony


Nearly 70 industry representatives and company employees testified at the public meeting urging CARB members to rescind or revise the rule to avoid job losses and negative economic impacts on surface finishing facilities in California. NASF participated in the public meeting and provided testimony on behalf of California company members.


Many from industry cited the near zero level of hexavalent chromium emissions from chromium plating and anodizing operations – particularly for decorative chromium applications – compared to other sources of hexavalent chromium. Others noted that decorative hexavalent chromium plating remains an important tool to meet customers’ corrosion and other product performance demands and specifications.


An additional theme of the varied testimony highlighted the fact that surface finishing facilities in California are subject to the most stringent hexavalent chromium emissions regulations in the country. NASF members urged CARB to implement new, even more stringent emissions-based limits rather than banning hexavalent chromium plating and anodizing.


Board Response


Based on the arguments raised in the testimony, several individual CARB members expressed concerns about the smallest facilities with the smallest emissions profile facing the earliest ban, the extremely low emission profile of decorative plating, the necessity for more time for decorative plating to transition to alternatives, and the need for emission-based limits for plating facilities.


The Board requested that industry provide staff with additional information on products, such as medical equipment, that still require decorative hexavalent chromium plating to meet customer specifications and product demands.


Industry Follow-Up and Rulemaking Schedule


In response to CARB staff’s request for additional information, the NASF California Chapters and NASF submitted a letter to Board staff on February 10, 2023. The industry continues to engage CARB members and staff on these issues. Board staff is expected to respond to the letter and/or prepare new rule language for the full Board to consider by mid-March. A final vote on the rule language is scheduled for May 2023. A final rule is expected to be completed and issued by summer 2023 and become effective January 1, 2024.


If you have any questions or would like additional information about the CARB rule and the public meeting, please contact Jeff Hannapel with NASF at


In the States: New York Becomes Second State to Require Environmental Justice-Focused Cumulative Impact Analysis


New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed New York’s “Cumulative Impacts” bill into law in December, making New York the second state in the nation to require assessment of “cumulative impacts” affecting certain communities before an environmental permit is issued or renewed.

This is approximately two years after New Jersey passed similar “cumulative impact” legislation. The New York law appears to have a blanket prohibition on issuance or renewal of environmental permits to all facilities which might contribute to further impact on “disadvantaged communities.”


Environmental Justice and Cumulative Impact Analysis 


The new law requires analysis of “cumulative impacts” on “disadvantaged communities” before a permit is approved or renewed.  “Disadvantaged communities” are defined as “communities that bear burdens of negative public health effects, environmental pollution, impacts of climate change, and possess certain socioeconomic criteria, or comprise high-concentrations of low- and moderate- income households.”


Facilities operating in these “disadvantaged communities” would be required to prepare “existing burden reports” containing baseline environmental monitoring data collected within the past two years and information identifying the following:

·     each existing pollution source or categories of sources affecting the community;

·     the potential routes of human exposure to pollution from each source or categories of sources;”

·     ambient concentration of regulated air pollutants and regulated or unregulated toxic air pollutants;

·     traffic volume;

·     noise and odor levels;

·     exposure or potential exposure to lead paint;

·     exposure or potential exposure to contaminated drinking water supplies;

·     proximity to sources like solid or hazardous waste management facilities, wastewater treatment plants, hazardous waste sites, incinerators, recycling facilities, waste transfer facilities and petroleum or chemical manufacturing, storage, treatment or disposal facilities;

·     the potential or documented cumulative human health effects of the pollution sources; and

·     the potential or projected contribution of the proposed action to existing pollution burdens in the community and potential health effects of such contribution.


Notably, “[n]o permit shall be approved or renewed by the department if it may cause or contribute to, either directly or indirectly, a disproportionate or inequitable or both disproportionate and inequitable pollution burden on a disadvantaged community.” New York state regulators would make this determination as part of a rulemaking and public participation process to be established later this year.


NASF 1000


The NASF 1000 program was established to ensure that the surface finishing industry would have resources to effectively address regulatory, legislative and legal actions impacting the industry, NASF members and their workplaces. All funds from the NASF 1000 program are used exclusively to support specific projects and initiatives that fall outside the association’s day-to-day public policy activities. The commitment to this program is one of the most vital contributions made in support of surface finishing and directly shapes the future of the industry.


The sustained commitment from industry leaders has helped the NASF remain strong and credible in informing regulatory decisions across the nation. Specific projects funded through the NASF 1000 make a measurable difference in how the industry navigates emerging challenges, communicates credibly with policy makers, and advocates for a strong science base for rules or standards that affect surface finishing.


Please consider supporting the NASF 1000 program. If you have any questions or would like additional information regarding the NASF 1000 program or the broad array of NASF public policy activities, please contact Jeff Hannapel with NASF at

New England Chapter -NASF Webinar -Wednesday, September 14th 2022

Date: August 12, 2022
Category: Chapter News, Events, NASF Chapters, Regulation

Visit our Events section for more information     


New England Chapter – NASF Spring Seminar Recap

Date: May 7, 2022
Category: Chapter News, Events, Member News, NASF Chapters, Regulation



The New England Chapter once again was able to offer an in-person seminar for the benefit of its membership and the entire metal finishing community. Although the Chapter is still offering some virtual educational events, the Board felt strongly that there is a substantial benefit to having in-person events where the attendees can have the opportunity to network with fellow metal finishing professionals.

The event, held May 4, 2022 at the Courtyard Marriott in Marlborough, Massachusetts, was a four-hour Seminar covering mandatory annual RCRA training along with updates on hot button wastewater treatment issues, and was preceded by a luncheon.

Alisa Werst, a Senior Project Scientist at HRP Associates in Cromwell, Connecticut, was the instructor for the mandatory RCRA training portion of the Seminar. She gave a fast paced compelling and interactive presentation that was designed to provide both entry level and experienced environmental managers with a comprehensive review of state and federal hazardous waste regulations, all designed to meet the annual RCRA training requirements.

Brian Morrill, Associate Principal and Vice President at GZA GeoEnvironmental, offered a presentation on how to prepare for an environmental inspection with emphasis on how the actual inspections have been modified as a result of the COVID world in which we are living. This was followed by a presentation by Jim Occhialini, Vice President and Specialty Services Group leader at Alpha Analytical, who spoke on the rapidly evolving PFAS testing requirements the metal finishing community is being subjected to by municipalities and sewer authorities.

This seminar, and other beneficial educational events offered by the New England Chapter, are all part of this chapter’s commitment to the metal finishing community. Thank you for the combined efforts of the NENASF Board members, the Chapter Membership and the dedicated and talented members of the Metal Finishing Community as a whole who have offered their time and talents  to making events like this possible.






Date: March 26, 2022
Category: Chapter News, Events, Member News, NASF Chapters







The New England Chapter of NASF hosted a virtual seminar for the benefit of their membership as well as the entire non-NENASF metal finishing community. The event was held on Thursday March 17, 2022.  The Executive Board opted to offer this event free of charge to all NENASF members, and at a modest fee to the rest of the metal finishing community, in hopes that it would not only educate but, to whatever extent possible, bond those associated with the metal finishing community.


The event was a two-hour Continuing Education Conference offering continuing education contact hours towards Wastewater license renewal. It was conducted by means of Zoom format and attracted about thirty attendees. It consisted of three presentations over the two-hour duration from 10:00 to noon offering a user-friendly format for all attendees.


Matt Kreiner of Hitachi XRF opened the Webinar with a presentation on the variety of uses and applications self-adjusting XRF units can have in saving time and money in daily coating thickness applications. He also addressed how XRF can be used to optimize solution maintenance and measure impurities in waste water discharge. This was followed by a presentation by Enrique Valentin of American Plating Power on the variety of rectifier options available to the metal finishing community, and how the correct choice can not only save money by lessening rejects, but also help reduce processing water used to reprocess defective parts.

The webinar was concluded with a presentation by Rob Sheldon of Aquas Group who spoke on the various options available through membrane technology as a substantial tool to be used in environmental regulation compliance. He also showed how this technology can be used as a path to rinse water recycling.


Special thanks to Chris Capalbo for technical support and for acting as moderator, and to Dev Massimi as Event Chair in arranging for the event speakers.


Thanks to the combined efforts of NASF Board Members, Committee Members, Chapter Membership and dedicated and talented members of the Metal Finishing Community as a whole for making events such as this available for the benefit of our membership.





2021 New England Surface Finishing Regional & Annual Foundation Award

Date: November 19, 2021
Category: Chapter News, Events, NASF Chapters

The event took place this past November 12rd in Hyannis, MA. It was a huge success with over 100 people in attendance. There were speakers from all over the country that delivered educational and thoughtful presentations to all in attendance.

The New England Surface Finishing Regional is honored to have presented the 4tAnnual Foundation Award to long time supporter Roger Love of RHL Associates. The award was created to recognize a metal finishing supplier that has demonstrated outstanding contributions, support, and dedication to the annual regional event.


Date: November 5, 2021
Category: Chapter News, NASF Chapters, NASF National, Regulation

NASF Public Policy Update

Recent Developments

November 1, 2021


Federal actions this fall have placed historic regulatory attention on the finishing industry and its practices. This update highlights several topics, including:


·    Calls intensify to regulate the entire surface finishing industry,

·    EPA expands its regulatory authority over articles containing chemicals substances,

·    NASF comments on PFAS reporting requirements,

·    OSHA awaits final COVID vaccine rule review from White House reiview, and

·    a NASF/US Department of Defense Workshop on chromium plating to be held at SUR/FIN.


Major Regulatory Milestones


Activist Groups in October Called out the Entire Finishing Industry for New Water Rules – In recent weeks, more than a dozen of the top U.S. activist groups – including the Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council – issued a joint statement to EPA and the public and included a call to regulate the entire surface finishing industry with new PFAS effluent requirements, arguing:


The EPA should develop [new discharge requirements] for ALL metal finishers, not just chrome platers.”


Congress and EPA are Targeting Surface Finishing – Congress has introduced new legislation that is gaining more attention – and EPA announced the launch of a first-of-its-kind regulation – specifically targeting the surface finishing industry for nationwide testing, monitoring and enforcement of new wastewater discharge requirements for PFAS chemicals.


Rare Media Coverage of the Finishing Industry on Capitol HillThe Hill, one of the most widely read political news sites read by Congress, recently highlighted metal finishing and electroplating for the first time in recent memory after the industry was named explicitly in legislation to impose new requirements and potential liability on industry for PFAS use.


EPA Expands Chemical Regulatory Authority Under TSCA


EPA announced on September 28, 2021 that it is reversing its decades-old practice of exempting finished articles from regulation under the federal Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Under the authority of TSCA, EPA evaluates potential risks from new and existing chemicals and takes actions to address any unreasonable risks that chemicals may pose to human health and the environment.


In the past, EPA’s practice has been to target the manufacture or import of individual chemicals or chemical mixtures, their use in industrial processes, and products where a regulated substance is the active ingredient, rather than finished articles. Pursuant to the recent change in statutory authority, articles of finished products containing chemicals that EPA is evaluating for risk will now be subject to regulation under TSCA.


EPA Says it’s Obligated to Regulate Articles


EPA officials have indicated that the agency is obligated to regulate articles containing chemicals because products often “break down” and chemicals in the articles are released into the environment and can result in harmful exposures.


Critics of this expanded authority claim that in many cases it is difficult for manufacturers and importers to know what levels of chemicals are in a product and whether the chemicals can be released from the product. This is particularly true now that levels of concern for some chemicals are measured in parts per trillion.


EPA has responded that manufacturers are already required to know what is in their products to comply with European Union regulations as well as U.S. federal and state regulations, that require reporting and labeling product that may contain chemicals identified as a substance of very high concern or whose use may pose an unreasonable risk.


Expansion of Authority has Implications for the Supply Chain


By expanding its regulatory authority under TSCA to essentially all manufactured products, manufacturers, importers, and customers will need to know more about the chemical substances contained in their products and the likelihood of any potential release of that chemical substance.


For example, surface finishers and their customers will have to know all of the chemical substances that may end up in the finished product, the likelihood that those chemical substance may be released from the typical use of the product, and the potential exposure routes and risks associated with any such release.


Increased Regulatory Burdens Ahead


This new approach will likely increase the regulatory burdens and stewardship efforts for many manufacturers beyond the raw materials and processes used to make those products. EPA has already begun to expand its regulatory authority under TSCA to articles containing chemical substances (e.g., see proposed reporting rule for PFAS discussed below).


NASF continues to work with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other industry trade groups to engage EPA officials on this new approach to regulating articles or finished products under TSCA. If you have any questions or would like additional information regarding this expansion of EPA’s chemical regulatory authority, please contact Jeff Hannapel with NASF at


NASF Submits Comments on PFAS Reporting Requirements


On June 28, 2021, EPA proposed Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements for Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) pursuant to TSCA Section 8(a)(7). NASF submitted comments indicated that the proposed rule did not consider the significant impact on small business, was overly broad, and would be unduly burdensome to the surface finishing industry. A summary of the NASF comments is provided below.


EPA Failed to Account for the Impact on Small Business – The proposed rule would require manufacturers and importers of PFAS (including importers of articles containing PFAS) to report information from the past ten years for each substance and mixture related to:


•           chemical identity and molecular structure;

•           categories of use;

•           volumes manufactured and processed;

•           byproducts resulting from the manufacture, processing, use and disposal;

•           environmental and health effects;

•           worker exposure; and

•           method of disposal.


This includes information on all PFAS without any exemptions for de minimis amounts, small businesses or articles containing PFAS. EPA failed to account for the substantial impacts that this rule will have on small business and the surface finishing industry.


Before finalizing the rule, EPA must comply with its statutory requirements to gather input from small businesses potentially impacted by this proposal and consider options to minimize the burdens of the proposed rule on small businesses.


EPA Should Limit the Substances Subject to Reporting – EPA identified 1,346 PFAS on the TSCA Inventory, but in the preamble to the proposed rule EPA stated that this was not a comprehensive list of all PFAS subject to the rule.


Manufacturers would be required to determine whether additional substances are subject to reporting, thereby significantly increasing the burden of reporting and adding to the uncertainty of the proposal.


NASF requested that EPA limit reporting requirements to those PFAS known to be in commerce or a subset of those known to pose public health and environmental concerns.


EPA Should Provide Typical Exemptions for Reporting Requirements – The proposed rule does not include exemptions for reporting requirements that are typically provided for EPA reporting rules such as exemptions for de minimis levels, small businesses, and articles. To minimize the unnecessary burdens of this rule, NASF made several requests:


•           EPA should limit reporting to those substances manufactured or imported in excess of threshold based on sound science policy and risk and appropriate policy considerations


•           EPA should exclude small businesses from reporting based on the number of employees and revenues, consistent with other TSCA reporting requirements.


•           Despite no mandate to include articles, EPA has determined that articles containing PFAS should be included in the scope of reportable chemical substances, even while acknowledging that some article manufacturers, including article importers, may not have such information.  Manufacturers and importers of articles containing PFAS should not be subject to the reporting requirements.


For some metal plating applications, fume suppressants containing very small amounts of PFAS are used in the finishing process. To demonstrate that no amount of any PFAS is on the plated part or article, companies could be subject to expensive testing requirements to confirm that reporting is not necessary.


Reporting Expands to a Much Larger Universe


Requiring reporting by manufacturers and importers of articles that contain PFAS will increase the number of entities subject to this reporting rule by thousands, particularly if all large and small businesses must report any amount of any PFAS in articles.


Given the burdens associated with subjecting articles containing PFAS to reporting requirements and EPA’s failure to include the costs associated with reporting imported articles containing PFAS, EPA should delete the requirement for reporting of articles containing PFAS from the proposed rule.


The Ten-Year Reporting Period is Unduly Burdensome – EPA proposed that persons who have manufactured or imported PFAS over the past ten years would report to EPA for each PFAS.


Given the broad scope of chemistries covered by the definition of PFAS, gathering all the available requested data for ten years would represent an overwhelming burden to many companies subject to reporting.


Phased Approach to Reporting Is Appropriate – The proposed rule requires reporting that can impose a significant burden on a large number of entities. NASF requested that EPA consider requesting this data in a phased approach, whereby only the largest manufacturers and importers of PFAS are subject to the reporting requirements.


If the exemptions, clarifications, and revisions that NASF requested were implemented, EPA could significantly reduce these burdens on a large number of small businesses, without substantially reducing the amount of critical information it collects on the manufacture and import of PFAS.


By streamlining the reporting to the most useful and scientifically valid information in the first place, EPA can better fulfill the mandate to estimate the rulemaking’s economic impacts and burden.


EPA must complete the final reporting and recordkeeping requirements by January 1, 2023. NASF will continue to work cooperatively with EPA and other industry trade groups on this proposal. If you have any questions, would like additional information, or would like to discuss these comments, please contact Jeff Hannapel ( of The Policy Group on behalf of the NASF.


COVID Emergency Temporary Standard May Be Extended Beyond Healthcare 


OSHA has recently reconsidered the need for a broader COVID-19 emergency temporary standard (ETS) applicable beyond just the healthcare sector. President Biden’s recent decision to use a new COVID ETS focused on vaccinations and testing as a central element of his newly unveiled COVID-19 Action Plan raises a host of challenges for employers across the country. OSHA has moved quickly and the agency’s ETS was sent to the White House for rule review, hearing from outside industry and other groups, and for final regulatory approval.


OSHA has been expected to receive the ETS rulemaking package for release any time, and issuance in the coming days – early November – is anticipated.


Unlike the Executive Orders for federal employees and contractors and the expanded scope to healthcare workers (which included a fair amount of detail about how they would be implemented), the President’s announcement and new Action Plan about the OSHA ETS for general industry were essentially bare bones, with almost no detail about what will be in the ETS and how it will operate.


Critical Questions Need Answers


For example, the announcement did not provide specific direction or information to answer several critical questions regarding the scope and implementation of the ETS for general industry, including the following.


·    How do employers count the 100-worker threshold (by establishment or company-wide, how do you count temp, part-time, and seasonal workers, does it count remote/telework staff, etc.)?

·    Who pays for the testing program (employers or employees)?

·    If employers have to pay for testing, is it just for the test kits, or also employees’ time getting tested?

·    Under a work-required vaccine program, will days away for adverse effects of the vaccine have to be recorded on employers’ 300 Logs?

·    If the FDA approves booster shots for the general population, will a booster shot be required to consider an employee fully vaccinated?

·    Does the rule account in any way for natural antibody immunity for employees who have been infected and recovered from COVID-19?

·    Assuming employers have to pay for time to get vaccinated and recover from ill effects of the vaccine, is there a limit to how much time?

·    What type of test will be acceptable for the testing program?

·    What documentation will be required to verify vaccination and testing status, and will employers have to keep those records, as employee medical records, for the life of employment + 30 years?

·    Will there be time for the ETS to go into effect, or will testing be required for employees who are willing to get vaccinated until they can get vaccinated?

·    Will there be conditions that could result in the ETS being shelved?

·    If we achieve a 100% fully vaccinated workforce, can we dispense with all of the other COVID-19 protocols (i.e., distancing, masks, pre-work screening, etc.)?

·    How will the rule intersect with the ADA/Title VII requests for medical and religious exemptions?


Industry needs these answers to determine how it may be impacted by the ETS. For several reasons, industry may have a great opportunity to provide meaningful and impactful comments on the ETS rulemaking.


First, the career staff at OSHA did not have advanced notice of the President’s announcement, so there was no foundational work on a draft rule and staff may not be as personally invested on any particular provisions or issues.


Second, this ETS would provide cover to employers who have wanted to set vaccine mandates, but were reluctant to do it unless or until others did the same (i.e., to help alleviate concerns about losing workers to neighboring businesses that had more relaxed COVID-19 policies).


Accordingly, the White House and OSHA have been viewed as open to specific input from industry about how best to implement the ETS for general industry.


NASF has continued to work closely with industry trade groups and coalitions to help shape the Administration’s COVID policies and ETS and the potential impacts on the surface finishing industry.


If you have any questions or would like additional information on these developments regarding COVID in the workplace, please contact Christian Richter or Jeff Hannapel with NASF at or


NASF / Defense Workshop on Chromium Plating at SURFIN


The California Air Resources Board (CARB) continues to advance a new rulemaking to transition hexavalent chromium plating to trivalent chromium for decorative chromium plating, functional chromium plating and chromic acid anodizing.


In response to this rulemaking effort, NASF has scheduled a DoD Workshop on Hexavalent Chromium: Emerging California Restrictions & Implications for the U.S. Defense Supply Chain to be held at SUR/FIN in Detroit on November 3, 2021 from 1:15 to 4:00 PM eastern time.


The workshop will include the following presentations.


•           Jeff Hannapel (NASF) – Summary of CARB Plan for Phase-Out

•           Keith Legg (Corrdesa) – DOD Supply Chain Implications & SERDP/ESTCP Hexavalent Chromium Replacement Projects

•           Steve Gaydos (NASF Technical Fellow) – Aerospace Applications and Alternatives

•           Scot Bryant (Noblis) – Adoption of hexavalent Chromium-Free Surface treatment Technologies by DOD Organizations

•           Tim Hall (Faraday Technology) & Doug Hughes (Macdermid Enthone) – Aqueous Trivalent Chromium Technology

•           Doug Morrison (Trion Coatings) – Ionic Liquid Hard Chromium Process


The aim of workshop is to educate people on California’s efforts to phase-out hexavalent chromium processes, identify some of technologies to replace hexavalent chromium processes, and discuss the potential impacts on the surface finishing and defense industries and supply chain. It is intended to be an interactive session where audience contributions and participation are welcome.


We look forward to SUR/FIN in Detroit on November 3rd for this critical and informative workshop. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Jeff Hannapel with NASF at


Support the NASF 1000 Today!


The NASF 1000 program was established to ensure that the surface finishing industry would have resources to effectively address regulatory, legislative and legal actions impacting the industry, NASF members and their workplaces.


All funds from the NASF 1000 program are used exclusively to support specific projects and initiatives that fall outside the association’s day-to-day public policy activities.


The commitment to this program is one of the most vital contributions made in support of surface finishing and directly shapes the future of the industry.


The sustained commitment from industry leaders has helped the NASF remain strong and credible in informing regulatory decisions across the nation.


Specific projects funded through the NASF 1000 make a measurable difference in how the industry navigates emerging challenges, communicates credibly with policy makers, and advocates for a strong science base for rules or standards that affect surface finishing.


Please consider supporting the NASF 1000 program. If you have any questions or would like additional information regarding the NASF 1000 program or the broad array of NASF public policy activities, please contact Jeff Hannapel with NASF at or Christian Richter at




If you have any questions or would like additional information on this matter, please contact Christian Richter at, Jeff Hannapel with NASF at


To join NASF or find out more about membership, please contact Matt Martz at


Date: October 13, 2021
Category: Chapter News, Member News, NASF Chapters, Regulation





The New England Chapter of NASF was grateful to once again be able to host an in-person Seminar for the benefit of its membership and the entire metal finishing community. The event was held on Wednesday October 6, 2021.  With the COVID pandemic having forced the adoption of a Virtual format for the past year and a half, the resumption of in-person meetings and the opportunity to not only learn but to network with fellow metal finishers was a welcome change and was enthusiastically received by all in attendance.


The event was once again a four-hour Continuing Education Conference offering continuing education contact hours towards Wastewater license renewal. This was especially significant being that 2021 is a WWT License renewal year for all licensed operators in Massachusetts.  The Seminar consisted of four presentations over a four-hour period from 1:00 to 5:00 preceded by a luncheon for all attendees and speakers.


Matt Wright from HRP Associates opened the Seminar with a presentation entitled PFAS What Businesses Need to know stressing the importance of due diligence in preparing for regulatory enforcement of this emerging environmental hot-button issue. He stressed that saying “there is no PFAS in our plant” won’t be enough and everyone should be ready to back up statements with facts. This was followed by a presentation from Jim Walsh of MacDermid-Enthone on another hot-button issue, Sustainability. Jim gave examples of how correct equipment choices can not only lead to a company’s financial success but also to its future environmental success. David Calnan of CCI Chemicals followed with a presentation on Wastewater Treatment Options for the metal finishing industry stressing alternative treatment techniques and water recycling. The seminar closing speaker was Katherine Robertson of the Massachusetts Chemistry & Technology Alliance (MCTA) who gave an eye-opening update on the year-long Ad Hoc Toxic Use Reduction Act (TURA) Committee Hearings on reform to this burdensome Massachusetts environmental regulation and what metal finishers will be facing if certain regulatory changes become effective.


We continue to live in a very different world and it is encouraging that once again we were able to assemble for an in-person conference and networking that this event offered. We must continue to offer, through the combined efforts of NASF Board Members, Committee Members, Chapter Membership and dedicated and talented members of the Metal Finishing Community as a whole, events such as this which can be offered for the benefit of our membership.






NASF Public Policy Update – June 2021

Date: June 16, 2021
Category: Chapter News, Member News, NASF Chapters, NASF National, Regulation








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